Ep 004: Generational Trauma and How to ACTUALLY Heal It With Relational Parenting

Jennie and Rick discuss parent-child relationships alongside parent-grandparent relationships and beyond, focusing on the importance of healing your own wounds to make space for the changes and new habits you want to bring into your family system.
 Hello and Welcome back to episode 004 of the Relational Parenting Podcast!  I’m Jennifer Hayes and this week I wanted to take a step back and address a concept that has come to the forefront of our collective consciousness in recent years: Generational Trauma, OR Generational Cycles.  The awareness and understanding of the patterns of behavior, thinking and potentially abuse that get passed down through familial lines is wonderful and I’m so excited that more and more people are becoming aware of it and making changes. But I’ve also noticed that the emphasis is on changing the future and very little acknowledgment of healing the past.  So I wanted to dive into that with you and really explore what it takes to ACTUALLY work with the generational cycles in your own life in order to be the parent you want to be for your children.  This subject is not an easy one to traverse and naturally forced my dad and I to have some very honest, hard and awkward conversations. We dove into things neither of us had ever discussed before and triggered some very deep, old wounds.  And the results of those conversations are here in this episode. I can’t wait to hear what you think, what you learned and if you have more questions on this topic, please comment or message me!.

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Happy Parenting and Good Luck Out There!
Ep 004: Generational Trauma and How to ACTUALLY Heal It With Relational Parenting
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