Ep 030: Navigating Important Conversations: Talking to Kids About Race and Gender with Veronique Porter

Hey there, lovely listeners! It's Jennie here, and I'm beyond excited to dive into a topic that's been on my heart: how to tackle those tough conversations with our kids. Joining me on this enlightening journey are the wonderful Veronique Porter and of course, Papa Rick, as we explore the intricacies of discussing race and gender with our children in today's ever-evolving world.

Veronique, also known as V, is the Founder and Lead Educator at Ampersand Workspace. She works in race and gender, giving organizations, groups, and companies the tools to enact anti-racist and gender-inclusive values within their organizations to create a productive, inclusive culture. Veronique shapes mindsets, builds skills, and creates lasting impact through heritage month and identity holiday workshops, targeted trainings, and consulting.
Her business prompted V to retire from childcare, where she spent more than 20 years as a caregiver of all sorts alongside other professional endeavors. Veronique is still very invested in the lives of all her littles around the world, and she loves them all dearly, especially since she gets to give them back to their parents!

Setting the Stage:
In this episode, we're delving deep into a subject that's both challenging and incredibly important. The social climate is shifting, and the issues of race and gender are front and center. Veronique, Papa Rick, and I discuss how these topics that were once hidden are now in the spotlight, affecting conversations within our families.

Empowering Kids for Life:
Veronique brings her expertise to the table, shedding light on the vital process of preparing our kids for the realities of the world. We talk about the balance between proactive preparation and overloading them with information, focusing on the importance of laying the foundation for understanding.

Grasping Teachable Moments:
I know firsthand the magic of seizing natural opportunities to talk about diversity and identity. Veronique and I chat about how those everyday moments—whether it's a question in the store or an observation at school—can be transformed into teachable moments that nurture empathy and open dialogue.

Building Resilience and Confidence:
We touch on the role of media and stories in shaping our children's perspectives on race and gender. We explore how introducing diverse characters and experiences can instill pride and empathy. Papa Rick chimes in with a touching personal story that highlights the significance of fostering resilience and self-assuredness.

Creating an Open and Safe Space:
Veronique and I delve into the significance of creating an environment where our kids feel safe discussing these important topics. We discuss how these conversations should be ongoing, not one-off events, fostering a culture of openness and understanding.

Wrapping Up with Hope:
As we wrap up this episode, we reflect on the power of small actions and conversations in shaping a more inclusive society. Papa Rick and I agree that these discussions are the cornerstone of raising compassionate and well-informed individuals.

Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey. Every conversation you have with your child about these crucial topics is a step towards building a more empathetic world. 

Here's to embracing the complexities of the world with our kids, fostering understanding, and growing together!

Episode Resources:
Where to find Veronique:
Find V's work and check out the services of Ampersand Workspace by visiting the website at ampersand-workspace.com
And if you'd like to talk to V directly, write to her at hi@ampersand-workspace.com; she responds to each email herself! 

Email us your parenting questions and stories!: jennie@jenniebee.co.

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Happy Parenting and Good Luck Out There!

Creators and Guests

Veronique Porter
Veronique Porter
Veronique, also known as V, is the Founder and Lead Educator at Ampersand Workspace. She works in race and gender, giving organizations, groups, and companies the tools to enact anti-racist and gender-inclusive values within their organizations to create a productive, inclusive culture. Veronique shapes mindsets, builds skills, and creates lasting impact through heritage month and identity holiday workshops, targeted trainings, and consulting. Her business prompted V to retire from childcare, where she spent more than 20 years as a caregiver of all sorts alongside other professional endeavors. Veronique is still very invested in the lives of all her littles around the world, and she loves them all dearly, especially since she gets to give them back to their parents!
Ep 030: Navigating Important Conversations: Talking to Kids About Race and Gender with Veronique Porter
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