Ep 015: Social Media, Gen Z and The Impact of Screen Time on Our Children

We break down the perils of social media and screen time on young minds AND give you helpful alternatives. We also try to figure out the plural form of rhinoceros (please help us) and call for help for de-mystifying my dad's scary dreams (dream readers - email me!).  Last but not least - how my dad found out santa wasn't real (hint - it wasn't his older siblings) - so sad!

OH WAIT - The best part - we have our first MINI EPISODE.  This convo ended in about 20 minutes of my dad and I reminiscing on our martial arts training days...and comparing our education to other forms of martial arts.  Including the MASSIVE BENEFITS of martial arts training for kiddos' confidence, awareness, self-discipline, and so much more.  I also might reveal my super secret tactic for winning all my sparring matches against guys twice my size......
The mini episodes are ONLY AVAILABLE inside the Patreon group!  Select the link below to get all the benefits....

Episode Resources:
Tim Ferris and Jon Haidt video referenced
ERIC Research Platform
Google Scholar
Pub Med
American Psychological Association

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Happy Parenting and Good Luck Out There!

Ep 015: Social Media, Gen Z and The Impact of Screen Time on Our Children
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