Shira Barlas

Shira Barlas

Shira BIO: Shira Danielle is a life coach, community organizer, yoga teacher, chef, healer, and event planner. Her work focuses on the intersections of spirituality, social justice, creative expression, and Earth medicine. She is the creator of Mamas' Wisdom. A mama of two beautiful beings, she is on a mission to help other mothers feel empowered, nourished, and supported. She believes that mothers have a wealth of wisdom waiting to be unleashed onto the world, and by building up mothers’ confidence, wellness, and financial stability, gives mothers’ more opportunities to not only survive but to thrive. When mothers thrive, so will the children, with the children thriving so will our collective future.

Appears in 1 Episode

Ep 023: Supporting Mama's Through Birth, Parenting and Wisdom with Shira Barlas

Iiiiiiit's my birthday!!Shira Danielle is a life coach, community organizer, yoga teacher, chef, healer, and event planner. Her work focuses on the intersections of sp...

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